17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? For men, being chief of the village. For women, being a good mother. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? All objects are useful. Fine mats can be considered heirloom. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We rather value old things, e.g. mats more than beds (mattresses). We like old things and things we can make rather than spending money buying new things. 20. What types of sacred objects are around the house? None. 21. Describe the kinds of clothing each family member owns. Work clothes, relaxing clothes, sleeping clothes, Sunday clothes. 22. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms: Are they available and what family members use them? Alatupe smokes and drinks. No guns. Family Food & Shelter 23. A typical breakfast consists of: Papaya, coconuts with lemon tea, and some leftover taro from the previous night. 24. A typical lunch consists of: Taro, coconut cream, tea. 25. A typical dinner consists of: Fish, taro, coconut cream, tea. Sometimes tinned fish or mutton from the store. 26. Are you satisfied with your food? Yes. 27. Does your family rent or own your house? We own our home.